Notice of Contracted Technology Providers
October 2024
R.C. § 3319.326, effective October 24, 2024, mandates that school districts notify students and parents of contracted technology providers with access to student educational records.
The District currently contracts with the following third-party technology contractors: Websites and Apps used at TCN
The District’s use of these technologies is generally limited to the noncommercial educational purposes, such as instruction and technical support.
District technology providers may be given access to student education records, including test scores, reports, transcripts, class lists, schedules, communication, and health records. Employees or contractors of technology providers are only allowed to access educational records when necessary to execute the duties of the employee or employer.
The District’s legal team and administration review all technology provider contracts to ensure they comply with district policies and state and federal laws protecting student data privacy. Any contract between the District and a technology contractor may be reviewed upon request by parents and students. To inspect a contract or to request information about contracted technology providers, please contact James Norman, Technology Coordinator, at 937-962-2671 or [email protected].