Tri-County North

School District



Procedural changes due to Covid-19

1) Parents will not enter the Latchkey doors to check-in or check-out their children, but must remain with their child(ren) until they have been temperature checked and admitted into Latchkey.

2) Latchkey personnel will orally communicate with the parents through the intercom to sign-in and out children.

3) We will be practicing social distancing within the rooms.

4) Registration Fee is due upon acceptance.

5) Applications must be completed and returned to the District Office by Friday, August 14th.  

Designees must be listed on the registration form. Parents/ guardians who do not sign their children out will be charged until 6:00 pm. *If a child is not picked up before 6:00 pm a late fee of $1.00 per minute after 6:00 pm will be added. If you pick up your child as they are walking into Latchkey, you must either walk out and wait with the car riders or wait to leave our area until 3:30pm. This is only done as a safety precaution. DELAYS and CANCELLATIONS: If we are under a delay, we will open at normal time and your child will remain in Latchkey until 10:30 am. (The cafeteria does not serve breakfast when this happens so please make sure your child is sent with food or has eaten before being dropped off.) If we are cancelled we will not be open. If we are delayed and then cancelled you will be notified and will have to make arrangements to have your child picked up within a safe time frame.