Tri-County North

School District

School Nurse

Nurses Corner:

Nurses Corner:
Guidelines for when to keep a child home for school/sending children home ill:  While it is important for children to attend/remain at school as much as possible please remember to keep them home if they have a temperature greater than 100, have vomited, or have had 2 or more loose stools.  Children should be free of these symptoms for at least 24 hours without the use of medication.  Children who have skin infections or rashes of an unknown origin may require a note from a physician to return to school.  Children with pink eye (inflamed mucosa's of the eye, usually draining fluid) must remain home for 24 hours after receiving medication or with a physicians note.

For students who take medications at school, remember a new medication administration form is required each school year. These forms must be signed by a physician even for over the counter medication such as Tylenol, cough drops, etc. These forms are available in the link below for your convenience.  Please remember to pick up any unused medication at the end of the school year, medication not picked up will be discarded.

Students with food allergies or asthma have medication forms as well as emergency action plans, these forms are also provided below.  In order to accommodate your child's allergy

Parents of incoming 7th grade students and incoming 12th grade students should have a received a letter informing them of immunization requirement for the next school year. Please read these closely as requirements have changed. Seventh grade students will need proof of the T-DAP and MCV4 vaccines prior to the start of the school year. Seniors will need to have proof of the MCV4 vaccine, if the initial vaccine was given prior to their 16th birthday a second vaccine is required.

Incoming Kindergarteners will need to bring proof of all required vaccines prior to the start of the school year.

*Any student who does not have vaccines complete by the 14th day of school or have a waiver on file will be withheld from school until documentation is received.

As always please feel free to contact me with any questions (937) 962-2671 x 4003, or by email [email protected]

Sarah Griffith BSN, RN
School Nurse
Tri-County North Schools

Medication Administration: All medications including over-the-counter medications need to have a medication order with doctor's signature. Below are medication administration as well as asthma and allergy forms for your convenience.
